Academic Support Services

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The primary function of The Dr. Anthony R. and Geraldine Zembrodt Institute for Academic Excellence (IAE) is to provide assistance to students in their pursuit of academic success. The office oversees four primary tasks:

  • Individual peer tutoring
  • Walk-in/Group tutoring
  • Academic Coaching
  • Study Tables

The IAE provides peer tutoring to all students. Set up as both a walk-in/group study service and an individualized process, the tutor/student relationship is designed to improve academic success by utilizing success-oriented strategies in an atmosphere conducive to the promotion of educational success. Students can access tutoring schedules and make a tutoring session appointment using the platform or click on the “TMU Peer Tutoring” link in any Canvas course.

Academic coaching delivers individualized sessions that cover basic academic skills to benefit any student. The coaching sessions cover topics relating to time management, study skills, learning styles, note taking, and stress management. Coaching sessions cover ideas and techniques that can be implemented on an individual basis in an attempt to assist the student and their unique on-campus experience.

Study tables take place in the Benedictine Library and offer an opportunity for all Thomas More students to work together on class projects, meet as study groups, work on class assignments, or meet with a tutor. Study Tables generally take place throughout the week in both the afternoons and evenings, ensuring a flexible schedule for any student to attend.

students posing in front of Niagara Falls sign

Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD)

Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD) is the local chapter of the national Alpha Lambda Delta First-Year Honor Society. This society recognizes and promotes academic excellence among first-year students. This group of students hosts a Faculty Speaker Series during the fall semester and provides service to the community.

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